Keep up to date on the latest vision news from our practice.
Mar 01, 2025
This month, we want you to take a minute to appreciate the gift of sight! Although it is easy to take for granted, imagine how different life would be without the ability to see! Take good care of your eyes with smart lifestyle choices such as wearing sunglasses, not smoking,...
Jan 01, 2025
Start the New Year off with a resolution to take better care of yourself including your eyes.
Dec 01, 2024
Christmas! A time of joy, peace and celebration. Also a time to show your loved ones how much you care about them. Consider giving a gift of sight with a certificate from Oyen Optometry or Absolutely Eyes to be used for anything they wish for, including eye examinations, contact lenses,...
Nov 01, 2024
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, Canadians are asked to pause in memory of the thousands of men and women who sacrificed their lives in military service. We will be wearing our poppies with pride for our fallen soldiers and those who endured the...
Oct 01, 2024
Be sure to pick up a reflector stick-on patch from one of our clinics this month (they are free) to help your little ghost or goblin be visible while trick or treating on Halloween! Also give some thought about how to keep your eyes healthy this month being that October...
Sep 01, 2024
It is back!! Our annual SPECStacular Sale! September marks the return to school and certainly an increase in vision demands for our children! It also brings the end of summer and time for a new look! For the month of September we are offering our annual BOGO 50% sale, which...
Aug 01, 2024
Back to reading, writing and arithmetic - all of which require good vision and eye muscle coordination to do well.
Jul 01, 2024
Canada is a vast and rugged land. From north to south, it spans more than half the Northern Hemisphere. From east to west, it stretches almost 7,560 km across 6 time zones. It is the second largest country in the world, but it has only half of 1% of the...
Mar 02, 2022
...hopefully this REALLY signals the beginning of the end for the global pandemic we have all faced for the past two years!
May 03, 2020
We are VERY excited to be able to re-open our optometry clinics for more routine eye exams on Monday, May 4th (in addition to the emergency care we have been providing all throughout the lockdown)! Of course, things will be done carefully and with great respect to the on-going situation...